Recycling Kerbside Collection Service
What can go in your recycling bin (yellow lid).
As a guide, you can place the following in your recycling bin, place items loosely in the bin and please do not place the items in plastic bags or bundle together.
Aluminum and Steel cans: Food, drink cans and pet food cans. Clean foil and foil trays.
- Paper – Newspapers, magazines, junk mail and office paper: place loose and do not bundle or secure in plastic bags.
- Glass bottles and jars: remove all caps and lids. Please do not include broken drinking glassware, window glass.
- Cardboard includes clean Pizza Boxes do not bundle or secure in plastic bags.
- Rigid Plastic drink, food, and non-food containers: margarine, ice cream, yoghurt, shampoo and household detergent containers, plus other containers with the triangle symbol 1-5.
Recycling guidelines

Recycling Guidelines (PDF)
What can’t go in your yellow top Recycling bin.
- Coffee Cups
- Domestic waste
- Plastic bags
- Meat trays & foam trays
- UHT coated beverage containers
- Squeeze tube toothpaste containers
- Polystyrene & foam
- PLA#7 takeaway packaging
- Plant pots or trays
- Drinking glass, window glass, light bulbs or broken glass
- Motor oil, acid, solvent or chemical containers
- Car and household Batteries
- Hose and cable
- Clothing and shoes
- Cigarette cartons & packets
- Cardboard pizza & takeaway food containers
- Ceramics, pottery, cookware & cutlery
What happens to your commingled recycling after collection?
At collection, the driver will do a visual check of the recycling bin to ensure there’s no contamination – like plastic bags, food or textiles. The recyclables will then be transported to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for processing. A combination of automated machinery and manual sorters sort the recyclables into different streams to be baled. Once baled, the recyclables are transported to onshore recyclers or exported to be turned into new products and materials.
For more information on how Kingborough’s recycling is processed, and for tips on recycling, visit the Cleanaway Greenius website.
For further information on Collection Days Kerbside Collection Service