Coastal Environments

Kingborough’s extensive coastline ranges from sandy shore, rocky shore, coastal cliffs, estuaries and coastal lagoons to saltmarsh. The ecosystem of each of these coastline types supports different communities of plants and animals. With most of our homes and towns spread along the coast and much of recreation time spent on beaches or the sea, our coastal environments are subject to a lot of pressure.

We can all make a difference by treading lightly on the coast. Observing our local areas to learn where the shorebirds are nesting and discovering what animals live on, removing rubbish, walking below the high tide mark or joining the local Coastcare group – there are many ways to help these natural areas.


Kingborough Council has strong working partnerships with the Derwent Estuary Program and the D’Entrecasteaux and Huon Collaboration.

Derwent Estuary Program

The Derwent Estuary Program (DEP) is a regional partnership between local governments, the Tasmanian state government, commercial and industrial enterprises, and community-based groups to restore and promote our estuary. The DEP has been nationally recognised for excellence in coordinating initiatives to reduce water pollution, conserve habitats and species, monitor river health and promote greater use and enjoyment of the foreshore.

Learn more about the DEP on their website, where they have a range of resources and information.

D’Entrecasteaux and Huon Collaboration

The Collaboration is an innovative partnership between industry, government and natural resource managers. The partnership provides a framework for collaboration that will support and enhance natural diversity and improve the condition of the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Huon Estuary. The region’s two salmon farmers – Huon Aquaculture and Tassal – have joined with Kingborough and Huon Valley Councils, TasWater, the Derwent Estuary Program and NRM South to support the D’Entrecasteaux and Huon Collaboration.

Learn more about the partnership and sign up for news and updates regarding Our Waterway.

Coastal erosion

The coastline is in a constant state of change, mostly so incremental we don’t see it. But combine a high tide with a storm surge and our coastline receives a battering, with powerful waves smashing and altering rocky shorelines and cliffs and cutting away parts of beaches. With the potential for sea level rise due to climate change , we should do all we can to ensure our bit of coast is not subject to unnatural erosion.

Clearing vegetation close to the coastline removes the deep roots that hold the soil together and can speed up coastal erosion. Even weeds hold the soil together and should not be cleared too quickly from the coast, but done gradually. Cleaning up messy bush close to the coast creates bare ground over which heavy rain erodes the soil and deposits it in the sea. If you own or manage a patch of coast, aim to maintain at least a 50 metre strip of woody vegetation along the coastline.

Marine debris

Marine debris, or seaborne rubbish, is a major issue for marine wildlife and their ecosystems. Impacts to wildlife include entanglement and ingestion, and an increased transport of pollutants into food chains. In Kingborough we see plastic bags and bottles, beer cans, ropes, nets, fishing line, buoys and bits of boats to name a few things.
