Landcare & Coastcare

Care groups are groups of motivated people who take practical hands-on action to improve their local patch of bushland or coastline.

They work to improve the condition of local bushland which improves the habitat for native animals, including the Little penguin and threatened species such as the Swift parrot. The work they do ranges from growing and planting native plants, weeding, fencing and creating information signs to making artificial penguin homes.

Joining your local group is a great way to get practical experience and knowledge on how to manage your own piece of bushland or coast, meet other locals and gain a sense of connection with your environment.

Kingborough Council and Landcare Tasmania have entered into a new partnership to recognise and build community Landcare in the Kingborough municipality. The partnership recognises that each organisation makes a strong but distinct contribution to supporting Landcare in Kingborough, which has the greatest number of Landcare groups of any Tasmanian Council.

The partnership identifies a range of mutual aims, shared objective and joint activities the Council and Landcare Tasmania will use to further grow the culture of community Landcare in Kingborough.

There are many ways to volunteer in caring for our natural areas in Kingborough, from joining your local care group to annual events like National Tree Day on 31 July.

Kingborough Landcare Network (KLN)

Kingborough Landcare Network (KLN) is the umbrella organisation for all the care groups in Kingborough. Formerly known as the Kingborough Landcare Advisory Group and established in 2005, the organisation currently represents around 35 groups across the municipality.

KLN actively lobbies Local, State and Federal Government on issues involving the management of natural areas in Kingborough and the broader environment. The group also provides support and education to member groups, including networking opportunities for their members.

KLN works closely with both Council’s Natural Resource Management Team and Landcare Tasmania.

For more information, contact Susan Price 

Find a Landcare or Coastcare group

There are many ways you can get involved with Landcare, whether through connecting with your local group or even starting your own.
To learn more about Landcare in Kingborough, including how to get involved, the resources below can assist and have you on your way in no time.

  • Contact KLN on the details above. They have the resources to guide you to both your local group or the most appropriate person to assist with your enquiry.
  • Contact Council’s Natural Areas and Biodiversity team by email or phone 03 6211 8200. Council staff support and work closely alongside Kingborough’s many and varied groups, including Landcare, Parks and Wildlife Services, and Wildcare groups. Staff are available to discuss options and direct you to a group that fits your needs.
  • Check out Landcare Tasmania’s website, which includes an interactive map displaying locations of groups across the state, along with their areas of focus and contact details.
  • Visit the Wildcare Tasmania website. Here you will find an interactive map detailing Wildcare groups and how to connect with them. More information on Wildcare Tasmania, including the range of support and services they provide, can also be found on their site.