Clearing and Tree Removal

Download form, Reasons for Removal, Safety, Bushfire Risk


If you wish to clear or modify* trees or native vegetation on your property, please submit the form above to apply. This service is free and will determine if you need to lodge a Development Application.
If the proposed works require a Development Application under the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 fees may apply.
This request form must be filled out by the landowner or accompanied by consent form signed by the landowner.

*modify: includes the pruning and topping of trees and the selective removal of native understory species.

Reasons for Vegetation Removal

Do not complete this form if the proposed activity is associated with a future development. These trees will be assessed as part of a development application process in accordance with the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015.

Safety or Risk to Infrastructure

If you are proposing to remove a tree(s) due to safety concerns or risk of damage, you may be required to provide a supporting assessment from a suitably qualified arborist. This arborist assessment should detail management options for the trees or a recommendation for their removal, supported by an “not acceptable” outcome from a quantitative risk assessment (VALID, QTRA).

Bushfire Risk

If you are proposing to remove vegetation relating to potential bushfire risk you may be required to provide a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan prepared by an TFS accredited bushfire practitioner outlining the minimum required clearing. See here for information.

If you wish to clear or modify native trees or vegetation on your property for bushfire safety (this includes lopping of trees and the selective removal of native understory species), to check whether you require any Council approvals you need to submit a Request for Consent to Remove or Modify Trees and Native Vegetation Form to Council (located at top of page). Depending upon your zone and the nature of vegetation removal, you may need to lodge a development application.  Click here to view the ‘Clearing Vegetation and Removing Trees for Bushfire Safety’ flyer. 

What you need to submit

To request to clear or modify trees, or native vegetation on your property, please submit this form. Fill it out and email to or send it directly to council.
Please include a sketch plan with each application containing sufficient details to clearly identify the vegetation you want to remove or modify to assist with the assessment process.

Example of sketch plan

Please Note

It is important to note that other agencies such as, the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) and Forest Practices Authority (FPA) in Tasmania also regulate vegetation removal in certain circumstances. Please check their permit requirements before removing vegetation. It is advised that you have all required approvals, or proof of exemption before commencing any work.

Significant Tree Policy

Many of the trees found in our parks, gardens and road reserves have significant aesthetic, cultural and/or historical importance. Please see link for more information on the Significant Trees.