Significant Tree Policy
Many of the trees found in our parks, gardens and road reserves have significant aesthetic, cultural and/or historical importance. In acknowledging these important values Kingborough Council decided to establish a Significant Tree Policy.
The policy outlines the process and the criteria to be considered for the listing or delisting of significant trees Table E24.1 of the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015.
Currently, there are 668 trees listed in Table E24.1 of the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme, all of which can be viewed below.
What makes a tree significant?
A tree must meet the requirements of one or more categories of significance that will act to set the tree apart from others of its type to be included on in the planning scheme.
- Aesthetic significance
- Size (height, circumference, canopy)
- Age
- Landscape significance
- Historical significance
- Rarity of species, variety or genome
- Unusual physical features
How to manage your significant tree?

Download a copy of our ‘How to manage your registered tree’ brochure for more detailed information on your roles and responsibilities.
How to nominate a significant tree?
Nominations for listing or delisting can be made in writing by completing the Significant Tree Nomination Form 2023.
What happens after a tree is listed in the planning scheme?
Once a tree is listed, it will not be physically sign-posted, but details of the listing will be publicised in the Planning Scheme and on Council’s website.
Any person wanting to cut, remove or otherwise alter the state of a significant tree must contact Council as a permit may be required.
In situations where an immediate risk to public safety from a significant tree is identified, Council approval must still be obtained; and Council reserves the right to require an arborist’s assessment to be undertaken. In these circumstances the decision may be determined by the General Manager under delegated authority.
Development applications that may impact or include the removal of a tree listed in Table E24.1 are required to be assessed against the Significant Trees Code of the planning scheme.
2012-1 (refers 2012-4 and 2012-17) Data Sheet | 1686 Channel Highway | Pin Oak | Quercus palustris | 1 | Public (DIER) |
2012-2 Data Sheet | 70 Ferry Road (median strip) | English Oak | Quercus robur | 6 | Public (DIER) |
2012-3 Data Sheet | 26 Cutana Place | stringybark | Eucalyptus obliqua | 2 | Private |
2012-5 Data Sheet | 1631 Channel Highway | Italian Poplar | Populus nigra 'Italica' | Group | Private |
2012-7 Data Sheet | 1520 Channel Highway | Italian Poplar | Populus nigra 'Italica' | Group | Private |
2012-8 Data Sheet | 44 Windsor Street | white gum | Eucalyptus viminalis | 2 | Private |
2012-9 Data Sheet | 11 Nierinna road | English Oak | Quercus robur | 1 | Private |
2012-10 Data Sheet | Southlea-342 Proctors Road | horse Chestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum | 1 | Private |
2012-12 Data Sheet | 3 Ferry Road | English Oak | Quercus robur | 9 | Private |
2012-13 Data Sheet | Lot 1 Alfred Garden | Bishop Pines | Pinus muricata | 4 | Public (DIER) |
2012-15 Data Sheet | Settlers Park, Channel Highway | stringybark | Eucalyptus obliqua | 1 | Council |
2012-23 Data Sheet | Dave Burrows Walk (off Derwent Ave | stringybark | Eucalyptus obliqua | 1 | Public (Crown) |
2012-24 Data Sheet | Kingston War Memorial, cnr Freeman street & Channel Hwy | Aleppo Pine | Pinus halepensis | 1 | Council |
2012-26 | Centre of round-about, Church Street and Hutchins Intersection | Leyland Cypress | x Cupressocyparis leylandii | 1 | Council |
2012-32 Data Sheet | 70 Channel Highway | stringybark | Eucalyptus obliqua | 1 | Private |
2012-33 Data Sheet | 43-46 Beach Road | golden elm | Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens' | 1 | Private |
2012-34 Data Sheet | Blowhole Reserve, Blowhole Road | Tasmanian blue gum | Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus | 1 | Council |
2012-36 Data Sheet | Growing in the road reserve outside 271 Roslyn Ave | risdon peppermint | Eucalyptus risdonii | 1 | Council |
2012-38 Data Sheet | 1636 Huon Road | English Oak | Quercus robur | 1 | Private |
2012-43 Data Sheet | Snug Primary School | Sweet Gum | Liquidambar styraciflua | 1 | Department of Education |
2012-50 Data Sheet | Council road reserve, adjacent to 59 Roslyn Avenue | Tasmanian blue gum | Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus | 1 | Council |
2013-1 Data Sheet | 36 Summerleas Road, Kingston | English Oak | Quercus robur | 3 | Private |
2021-12 (KIN-C6.5.24) Data Sheet | 10 Kingston View Drive, Kingston | Blue gum | Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus | 1 | Public |
2021-11 (KIN-C6.5.25) Data Sheet | 1/12 Wyburton Place, Margate | Black gum | Eucalyptus ovata | 1 | Private |
2021-10 (KIN-C6.5.26) Data Sheet | 2 Dallas Avenue, Taroona | White gum | Eucalyptus viminalis | 1 | Private |
2021-6 (KIN-C6.5.27.1 & KIN-C6.5.27.2) Data Sheet | Blackmans Bay Foreshore | Blue gums | Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus | 2 | Public |
2021-4 (KIN-C6.5.28.1 & KIN-C6.5.28.2 to KIN-C6.5.28.152 & KIN-C6.5.28.153 to KIN-C6.5.28.183) Data Sheet 1 Data Sheet 2 Data Sheet 3 | Adventure Bay Foreshore | Stringybark and Blue gums | E.obliqua and E.globulus subsp. globulus | 181 | Public |
2021-3 (KIN-C6.5.29.1 to KIN-C6.5.29.13 & KIN-C6.5.29.14 to KIN-C6.5.29.20) Data Sheet 1 Data Sheet 2 | Kingston Beach Reserve | Blue gums and other contributory species | Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus and other contributory species | 19 | Public |
2021-1 (KIN-C6.5.30.1 to KIN-C6.5.30.14 & KIN-C6.5.30.15 & KIN-C6.5.30.16 to KIN-C6.5.30.37) Data Sheet 1 Data Sheet 2 Data Sheet 3 | Taroona Foreshore | Blue gums | Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus | 36 | Public |
2018-2 (KIN-C6.5.31.1 & KIN-C6.5.31.2) Data Sheet | 5 Belhaven Avenue, Taroona | Pin Oaks | Quercus Palustris | 2 | Private |
2016-1 (KIN-C6.5.32) Data Sheet | 7 James Avenue, Kingston | White gums | Eucalyptus viminalis | 2 | Private |
2021-21 (KIN-C6.5.33.1 & KIN-C6.5.33.2) Data Sheet | Road casement between 958 and 960 Killora Road, North Bruny | Stringybark | Eucalyptus obliqua | 1 | Public |