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Tracks & Trails

Kingborough Municipality is home to many walking tracks of varying landscape and difficulty. As you explore, you’ll come to appreciate all that Kingborough offers, including its great cultural features, a wonderful variety of landscapes and a great range of birds and animals, including some very special threatened species. Some of the walking tracks may even follow the ancient paths of Tasmanian Aboriginals.

Some walks are suitable for mountain bikes, prams, horses and dogs on leads. Advice is provided for each of the walks but please remember that in nature, you may encounter natural hazards. We cannot guarantee the information is free from error, so our best advice is to be prepared, take your own water and follow the principles of Leave No Trace.

List of Tracks and Trails

The following downloadable PDFs provide information on all local tracks and trails.

More information

For information on walking, cycling, mountain biking and horse riding tracks and trails in Hobart, Kingborough, Derwent Valley, Clarence, Glenorchy and Brighton please go to the Greater Hobart Trails website.

Kingborough Reserves

Kingborough Tracks and Trails Strategic Action Plan 2024-2035

The recently approved Kingborough Tracks and Trails Strategic Action Plan has been prepared to provide a clear, co-ordinated, and strategic approach to guide Council’s planning, development, management, and promotion of a municipal wide network of tracks into the future.

North West Bay River Multi-use Trail Feasibility Study

A feasibility study has been endorsed after extensive community consultation for a North West Bay River multi-use trail. This is a significant project and it is going to take some time, as well as require further consultation, to address all of the recommendations in the study.

Download or view the North West Bay River Multi-use Trail Feasibility Study, endorse October 2020 (PDF).

Sharing and caring for tracks and trails

Root Rot

Root rot is a serious plant disease which is spread by humans and invades a plant’s roots and kills its host by blocking the uptake of water and nutrients. Once root rot is present it cannot be removed. It may be carried unknowingly on dirty boots, bike and car tyres, horses hooves and camping equipment. Starting your walk with clean gear helps prevent its spread, as does staying on the marked track.

Caring for your local bushland

Many of the local reserves are cared for by one of Kingborough’s Care Groups (Bushcare, Coastcare, Landcare and ‘Friends of’ groups). If you would like to be a part of caring for a natural area near you, contact Council’s Bushcare Officer on (03) 6211 8200, or ask for a copy of the Naturally Ours directory of Care Groups.

Trail etiquette and safety

Being considerate of others and following trail etiquette will assist you to share the tracks responsibly and minimise potential conflict. Click here for the link from the Greater Hobart Trails Website that provides information on multi-use etiquette and some tips on being safe and minimising our impact by following some general principles.