Fire & Biodiversity Town Hall Meeting

Restoring a balance between environmental conservation and appropriate bushfire mitigation practices is urgently required. An integrated and balanced approach to Fire and Biodiversity is essential to Council’s primary function “to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community” for not only those living in the bush but for the entire population of Kingborough. We the undersigned petition KC to host a public meeting pursuant to section 59 of the LGA to address these concerns.

Fire & Biodiversity Town Hall Meeting

This is an opportunity for Kingborough Council to engage in community consultation on two equally important areas of land management challenges facing the municipality. After hearing a range of views presented at a public meeting Council would be in a better position to review their current and future stakeholder involvement in private and public land vegetation management to more closely align with community expectations and Councils own Risk Management Policy.

Much work is needed to restore balance to the often competing disciplines of bushfire mitigation and environmental conservation. Amendments to Councils Biodiversity Offset Policy and the draft Trees on Private Land Bylaw are required. The broad application of the Landscape Conservation Zone throughout the municipality needs to be reviewed. The establishment of a network of registered Fire Breaks on public and private land to reduce the length of fire runs and to give the emergency services something to work with is well overdue. Council and private landholder responsibilities need to be clearly defined.

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