Kingston Park Amenities

Public amenities available at Kingston Park Playground

BBQ shelters

There are three BBQ shelters within the playground. These are not bookable spaces. Two of the shelters have a double BBQ including a sink and the third BBQ near the basketball court is a single BBQ.  These barbecues are available free of charge to the community and include ample inclusive seating and tables to create a communal and social atmosphere.


There are toilets located at the Community Hub including a Baby Change bathroom and Changing Places bathroom.  An additional toilet block is located in the Public Open Space.

Kingston park: amenities toilets

Bicycle amenities

A bike repair station is located near the park entrance off Pardalote Parade as well as the far end of the public open space next to the pump track.  There are two banks of bike hoops for bike parking. One is located near the basketball court and another near the Sparrowhawk Street entrance. A third bike hoop is installed on Pardalote Parade.

Kingston park: bike station


Some of the inclusive design elements you will find in the playground are:

  • Threshold-free pathways with gentle gradients
  • Ample DDA-compliant seating
  • DDA-compliant picnic tables and barbecues
  • Accessible spinning elements including a wheelchair carousel
  • Accessible slide

Particular attention has been paid to the thresholds between accessible pathways and play nodes, to maximise opportunities for interaction between various user groups.