Kingborough Integrated Transport Strategy

Council is seeking feedback on the Integrated Transport Strategy 2025. The strategy outlines key objectives for a safe, efficient, sustainable, and accessible transport system across Kingborough. The strategy is an update of the 2010 version, reflecting the evolving needs of the community while maintaining the core principles that have guided Kingborough’s transport planning.

Key Highlights of the Strategy:

  • Accessibility: The strategy focuses on improving access to jobs, services, and recreational opportunities for all residents. This includes enhancing the road network, increasing active transport options, and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.
  • Health and Safety: Promoting active transport and sustainable travel is a priority. The strategy includes measures to improve road safety, such as better signage, traffic calming measures, and educational campaigns to raise awareness about safe travel practices.
  • Community Connectivity: The strategy emphasizes the importance of creating a connected community. This includes improving public transport services, enhancing cycling and walking infrastructure, and fostering social interaction through well-designed public spaces.
  • Collaboration: The strategy highlights the importance of working closely with state and federal governments, neighbouring councils, and community organizations to achieve shared transport goals.
  • Economic Opportunities: The strategy considers the impact of economic development projects on transport infrastructure and travel demand. By planning and integrating these projects into the overall transport strategy, Kingborough aims to support economic growth while minimizing congestion and ensuring efficient movement of people and goods.


Feedback on the Kingborough Integrated Transport Strategy can be sent via:

  • Email to with the subject – Kingborough Integrated Transport Strategy
  • Written letter addressed to the CEO and send it to Kingborough Council, 15 Channel Hwy, Kingston 7050.

Timeline: The community consultation will run until 5 March 2025.