Kingston Beach LATM

Local Area Traffic Management

This engagement is now closed. Feedback from the public consultation will inform some of the design elements and infrastructure priorities for Kingston Beach. Please see the Engagement Report for consultation results.


Council is committed to supporting a safe, healthy and connected community. Community engagement is a critical component used to review Council’s policies, strategies and projects.

This engagement will highlight the proposed new road infrastructure for Kingston Beach which aims to improve pedestrian safety and traffic management in the area, in particular Beach Road and the intersection with Osborne Esplanade.

Your input into this consultation will be used to inform some of the design elements and infrastructure priorities for Kingston Beach moving forward. Subject to budgetary requirements and community feedback the proposed treatments will be implemented over the next two financial years.


This engagement involves stakeholder discussions with business owners in Kingston Beach, a community survey and communication of the proposed traffic management solutions. Proposed infrastructure is explained below.


Your input into this consultation will be used to inform some of the design elements and infrastructure priorities for Kingston Beach. Subject to budgetary requirements and community feedback the proposed treatments will be implemented over the next two financial years.


Input will be accepted through the community survey and email/written submissions. Results of this engagement will be presented to Council at a future meeting. The engagement will be open until the Tuesday 12 December.

  • Complete an engagement SURVEY HERE
  • Send an email to with the subject – Kingston Beach LATM 2023
  • Write a letter addressed to the General Manager and send it to Kingborough Council, 15 Channel Hwy, Kingston 7050.
  • Hard copy survey can be collected from the Civic Centre during business hours.


The traffic calming measures which have been proposed are deemed appropriate for the type of road and the transport requirements of the area. They will provide a strong indication to motorists to change their driving behaviour to match the change in the road environment. They have been carefully located and spaced to achieve slower traffic speeds and safer pedestrian environment.

There are 6 proposed solutions for Kingston Beach.

  • Raised Threshold
  • 2 x Wombat Crossings
  • Perceptual Countermeasure
  • 2 x Kerb Extensions

KERB EXTENSIONS bring the kerb line out into the parking lane, widen the footpath for a short distance and reduce the crossing distance of the road for pedestrians. They give pedestrians and drivers improved visibility to see each other when parked vehicles would otherwise block visibility.

There are two Kerb Extensions proposed for the area. One is in the vicinity of the Kingston Beach Early Learning Centre and the second is at the intersection of Beach Road and Balmoral Road.

In the vicinity of – Kingston Beach Early Learning Centre
At the intersection of Beach Road and Balmoral Road

A RAISED THRESHOLD  is a flat top road hump.

A raised threshold has been proposed in the vicinity 71 – 73 Beach Road. The location is approximately 20 metres closer to the Roslyn Ave and Beach Rd intersection than the current speed sign. The existing ‘Welcome to Kingston Beach’ signage will be relocated to the raised threshold. The reason for the relocation is to minimise impact on parking availability.

A WOMBAT CROSSING is a zebra crossing that is placed on a flat top road hump. They give pedestrians crossing priority while the raised platform gives prominence to pedestrians and encourages motorists to slow down on approach to the crossing.

One wombat crossing is proposed for the area between Kingston Beach carpark and commercial area; in the vicinity of 19 Beach Road.

Another wombat crossing is proposed for between the beach and the public toilets at 25A Osborne Esplanade. The existing raised threshold will be upgraded with new markings and include a zebra crossing to give pedestrians crossing priority.

Wombat Crossing proposed for Beach Road
Wombat Crossing proposed for Osborne Esplanade

PERCEPTUAL COUNTERMEASURES are painted road markings which prompt drivers to reduce travel speeds by changing the driver’s perception of risk, speed, or comfort.

A perceptual countermeasure has been proposed at the existing zebra crossing on Osborne Esplanade. The surface treatment will be extended to incorporate the Beach Road intersection with Osborne Esplanade.

A perceptual countermeasure on Osborne Esplanade

To draw attention to the proposed road infrastructure in the Kingston Beach, a perceptual countermeasure will be placed around some of the traffic management solutions.

Examples are included in the diagrams above.

Perceptual countermeasures – (painted surfaces) will also be applied to the following:

  • A raised threshold at the entrance of Kingston Beach on Beach Road,
  • On either side of the Wombat Crossing on Beach Road,
  • Across the intersection of Osborne Esplanade with Beach Road,
  • Between the kerb extensions at the intersection of Balmoral Road and Beach Road; and
  • Between the kerb extensions in the vicinity of the Child Care Centre

Participants are asked to choose which pattern they would prefer for all the perceptual countermeasure treatments in the area.

Wave treatment
Water drops treatment



Input will be accepted through the community survey and email/written submissions. Results of this engagement will be presented to Council at a future meeting. The engagement will be open until the Tuesday 12 December.

  • Complete an engagement SURVEY HERE
  • Send an email to with the subject – Kingston Beach LATM 2023
  • Write a letter addressed to the General Manager and send it to Kingborough Council, 15 Channel Hwy, Kingston 7050.
  • Hard copy survey can be collected from the Civic Centre during business hours.

Traffic Management Study

In April 2023 a Kingston Beach Local Area Traffic Management Study (LATM) was prepared by engineering consultants SMEC.