Art Box – Expression of Interest

This summer Kingborough Council is hosting the Art Box from Huon Valley.

We welcome EOI from artists (established and emerging), curators, arts groups and arts organisations.

Please complete the Art Box EOI Application Form and submit to Council’s Arts Officer via

The closing date for submissions is 1 November 2024.

The exhibition timeframe will be provided upon approval, between 1 week and 1 month.

EOIs should only be made after you have read and agreed to the ARTBOX Terms and Conditions

Please note, exhibitions will be reviewed against the following criteria.

Exhibitions must satisfy at least one criteria to be eligible.

Consider how your exhibition:

  • Connection to community
  • Clarity of theme/concept of the exhibition/project
  • Appropriateness of the exhibition/project to the space and available resources
  • Innovation, excellence or diversity represented in artistic practice
  • Quality of documentation provided.

Do you have any questions or need assistance with the application process?  Contact Council’s Arts Officer at or phone 6211 8200.