Kingborough Council operates a kerbside collection service for general household waste, recycling and FOGO waste. The service is contracted to Veolia, who collect the wheelie bins provided by Kingborough Council.
General waste, recycling and FOGO waste collections take place in the same area on the same day.
General waste collections are weekly while recycling and green waste are fortnightly. The FOGO waste is collected on the opposite week to your recycling. Collections occur between the hours of 6 am and 4.30 pm. Please make sure your bin is out prior to 6 am on the morning of collection.
Click here for Wheelie Bin Application Forms.
To view when your bins are collected, you can either view these pdfs or use our interactive map.
Kingborough Waste Collection Map Kingborough Recycling Collection Map Waste and Recycling Guide 2024-25
Interactive map
A new interactive map has been developed for kerbside collection service in Kingborough. This map is designed to allow you to find out when your next kerbside collection date is for your rubbish, recycling and FOGO bins.
Interactive Kerbside Collection Map
The map allows you to type in your address in the search bar or click anywhere on the map to get pick up details on a location. If you are using this map on your phone or tablet, use your fingers to zoom in and out on the map to find your location.

Once you find your location, click on the coloured area which will indicate the pick-up dates. A pop-up information tab, will appear with information indicating different service times for rubbish, recycling and FOGO waste collection.
Christmas collection schedule
Please note that the kerbside collection service does not take place on Christmas Day. The collections scheduled for Wednesday 25 December 2024 will occur on Saturday 28 December 2024 and will be published in the Mercury, Kingborough Chronicle and on Council’s website and social media channels two weeks prior to collection. All other public holiday collections remain unchanged and will occur on the regular collection days.
New wheelie bin requests & replacements
Wheelie bins are provided to households but they remain the property of Council. Please do not take them with you when you move.
To help identify your bin in the street, write your property (and unit) number on the rear of the bin.
Bin size
The default bin sizes allocated are one 80 litre bin for General Waste and one 240 litre bin for Recycling. If you need additional bins or a larger bin, General Waste bins can be upgraded to either a 120 litre or 240 litre bin.
If you wish to upgrade your bins, an administration fee will apply. Applications must be made on the approved form.
Where to put your Wheelie bin for collection
Please place bins at the kerbside in a clear unobstructed area with the wheels facing the property and the logo facing the street.
When placing a wheelie bin out for collection please ensure the following:
- The lid is fully shut and there are no items placed on top of the lid.
- The bin is on level ground.
- The bin is no less than 1 metre away from another wheelie bin.
- The bin is away from trees, power poles, street signs or any other obstruction.
In some small cul-de-sacs it may be necessary to place the bins together at the entrance to the cul-de-sac, where it may be easier for the trucks to collect the bins.
Kingborough Council kerbside bin audit
Council engaged a consultant to undertake a kerbside waste and recycling bin audit during March and April 2020. The audit was designed to document the generation and contamination of household general waste and recycling. The audit report will assist with the development of practical changes and education strategies to help reduce waste contamination in the kerbside bins.
Kerbside General Waste and Recycling Bin Audit Report 2020 (PDF)
How to prevent offensive odours in your wheelie bin
- You can freeze waste foods (particularly meat & fish) and place them in the bin just before collection. This slows down the bacteria that break food down and cause odours.
- Ensure that your bin is not overfull and that the fly proof lid is properly closed.
- Keep your bin in a cool shady area.
- Use your home compost bin or worm farm for materials that decay.
What not to put into the general waste bin
The general waste bins are for domestic waste only and for items that are not suitable for the recycling and FOGO bins.
However, the following items should not be put in the kerbside waste bins as they can cause damage to the collection vehicles.
– Dirt, rocks, bricks, heavy timber, fencing materials, steel or large car parts or building materials
– Hot ashes
– Paint, chemicals, liquids or motor oil
– Hazardous materials like asbestos etc.
– Dead animals
Further information
We can assist if you have:
- missed collections
- lost or damaged bins
- difficulty in using wheelie bin due to site difficulties
You may be eligible for driver assist if you experience difficulties managing your wheelie bin due to personal, physical or age-related disabilities.
To report your issues, please contact us on (03) 6211 8200.