Community Forms and Event Permits

Community Forms

Event Permits

Events that are being held on Council owned or managed land require a permit. The below forms may be required depending on your event.

Community Event Permit Application

This form must be completed if your event is being held on Council land or a reserve managed by Council. Please complete this permit application at least 28 days prior to your event.

For all large files (over 5 mb) please email to ensure we receive your certificates and site plans etc.

Community Event Permit Application Form

  • Event Details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • :
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • :
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • :
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • :
  • If this number exceeds 2000 you will require a "Temporary Place of Assembly' permit.
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Please upload your Certificate of Currency
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Please upload a copy of your site plan for the event
    As part of our commitment to being ‘Waste Wise’, Council has developed a policy, which includes guidelines about how to hold a Waste Wise Event. Events are a method of raising public awareness about recycling and showcasing different ways to minimise waste. This policy will ensure that events that are organised and supported by Council and all public events held on Council owned or managed property are committed to waste avoidance and sustainable procurement practices. View and download the policy and guidelines at Please indicate that you have read and understood the Waste Wise Events Policy. If you need advice on how to run a waste wise event, please contact Council on 6211 8200.
  • Application Forms

  • It is the event organiser's responsibility to ensure that all food trucks have the appropriate event license or temporary food license and that they are on display at the time of the event. If you are providing food, which includes BBQ, please complete a Temporary Food Application.
  • If yes, you are required to obtain a permit (or engineers certificate/building surveyors certificate) AND designate a Place of Assembly.
  • If you are intending on closing roads, please complete the Road Closure Application Form.

Filming Permit Application

Kingborough Council regulates commercial filming permits to make sure that activities are carried out according to our safety and amenity regulations, and that disruptions to residents and businesses are minimal.

You will require a permit if you are wishing to film in any public areas within the Kingborough Council municipality for commercial purposes. A filming permit application must be submitted at least one week prior to filming.

A permit is not required if you are filming on private property. The Kingborough municipality has large areas managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service, and if you require permission to film on these locations, please contact Parks and Wildlife directly.   For more information please visit their website: Drone use in Tasmania’s Parks and Reserves.

If you require any further information, please contact us on 6211 8200.

Film Permit Application

  • Commercial Filming

    This application is for anyone wishing to film in public spaces for commercial purposes.
  • Applicant Details

  • Filming Details

  • E.g. international documentary, short film, school project, television commercial, tourism advertisement
  • Please provide details if you are using temporary structures such as marquees etc.
  • Please provide the exact location of proposed filming site, include specific street names, park name or other landmarks as indicators. You can upload a map below if available.
  • If the location does not have a specific address, please upload a map to help us identify the exact site.
    Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • The operation of drones (remotely piloted aircraft) must be undertaken in accordance with the rules and guidelines established by CASA (the Australian Government’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority). Please upload your license if you are using a drone for the film.
    Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • Public Liability

  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
    A copy of the insurance schedule must be included for this permit application in order to comply with the terms and conditions of this filming permit.
  • Agreement

    I acknowledge the terms and conditions to film in the Kingborough municipality as outlined below, and agree with those terms. The terms below form part of the terms and conditions to film/photograph in the Kingborough municipality. Please make sure that you read, understand and abide by these at all times: 1. The wishes of members of the public are respected. The issuing of a permit does not give exclusive use of the filming area, therefore you must not restrict members of the public from accessing the facilities in any way. 2. The Council is indemnified against any injury or damage to person or property as a direct result of your activities. 3. There is no risk or unnecessary disturbance to passers-by or businesses, and any impact on traffic flow or pedestrian flow is minimised. 4. If required, a traffic management plan be developed and approved before the scheduled filming. A traffic management plan is required if there are any road closures, or disruption to normal traffic flow. 5. Film locations are left clean and tidy and all rubbish is removed. 6. The applicant is required to notify nearby residents and businesses of filming operations and make every effort to minimise disruption of regular activities. 7. Filming and associated activities do not damage any infrastructure. 8. Any instruction given by an authorised Council officer must be followed. 9. A permit to film does not include any parking concessions. Therefore, if filming is to take place in areas that have controlled parking restrictions (e.g. time limits etc.) these restrictions are to be adhered to at all times unless separate approval has been given. 10. If filming at a private property, permission must be sought from the owners. 11. The applicant shall have and maintain for the period of the permit, a policy of insurance against risk to the public, and such a policy to be of a minimum amount of $20 million in respect of any one claim. The amount insured may vary depending on the size, nature and risk associated with the filming project. A Certificate of Currency outlining the nature and level of insurance cover must accompany the application. The applicant must immediately notify the relevant insurers and Council in writing of any occurrence or accident likely to give rise to a claim under the insurance policy and give all information and assistance as may be reasonably practicable in all the circumstances. 12. The applicant is responsible for any damage to property in the area of the issued film permit, or damage as a result of the event, and undertakes to promptly compensate upon request. 13. This permit applies only to the public area within the Kingborough Council municipal area during the stated period.
  • Please indicate if you agree to share a copy with Kingborough Council for us to share and promote our local area. Appropriate credit will be attributed if you agree.

Road Closure Application Form

Road Closure Application

This form must be lodged at least six weeks prior to the scheduled event. nIn accordance with Section 19 of the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982 Council has a statutory requirement to advertise road closures for public events in a local newspaper (The Mercury) at least 10 days prior to the event. Advertising costs are invoiced to the applicant.

  • Applicant Details

  • Road Closure Details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Supporting Documents

  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • This must be prepared by a qualified operator in accordance with the requirements of Traffic Control for Works on Roads - Tasmanian Guide 2011 and AS1742.3
    Max. file size: 64 MB.

Support for Community Events Application Form

If you would like to request some assistance from Council, please complete this form.


Support for Community Events Application

Temporary Food Stall Application Form

Please complete the application form if you wish to operate a food stall.  This process should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.   Once you have completed the form it will be lodged with Council and you will be emailed a copy of your certificate within up to ten (10) working days.

From 1 July 2023 charitable and community organisations will be charged a reduced licence fee. This fee is charged per event. If you are applying for more than one event, please submit a new form for each additional event date (and pay the subsequent fee applicable).

Payment can be made in person during Council business hours or by credit card over the phone on (03) 6211 8200.  Payment must be made before completing the form as the receipt number is required to verify your application.

If you are applying for this as part of an event e.g. a school fair/community event, the coordinator of the event must pay the fee prior to any of the food registration certificates being issued.

If you are completing this application within two (2) weeks of your event please contact Customer Service on Ph: (03) 6211 8200 before proceeding.

Please remember to:

  • Read the Mobile Food Business Guidelines before completing the application form.
  • Include as much detail as possible.
  • Provide an answer to every question.
  • Tick all of the confirmations to allow the generation of your certificate.
  • Display the certificate in the stall.

Contact an Customer Service on (03) 6211 8200 if you need assistance.

If you are a business based in Kingborough and you are intending to operate a food stall regularly within Kingborough or in any other Council area, you will need to apply for a Statewide Mobile Food Business Licence. If you fall into this category, please fill this form out and send back to Kingborough Council so the Environmental Health Officer can assess your application.

The online application form is ONLY to be completed for single one off events within Kingborough.

Please be aware that food stalls may be inspected by an authorised officer and enforcement action may be taken where non-compliance with the Temporary Food Stall Guidelines are noted.

Application for Temporary Food Stall Form

  • Payment can be made in person during Council business hours or by credit card over the phone on (03) 6211 8200. Payment must be made before completing the form as the receipt number is required to verify your application. If you are applying for this as part of an event e.g. a school fair/community event, the coordinator of the event must pay the fee prior to any of the food registration certificates being issued. Note: If you are applying for an annual licence, depending on what time of the year you are applying for your Special Application for Temporary Food Stall Form, it may be at a pro-rata rate depending on which quarter of the year it is.
  • Event Information

  • Stall Details

  • Please supply an email address so we can email your certificate to you.
  • Licence Details

    If you lodge your licence less than seven days prior to the proposed licence date it is not guaranteed that we will be able to issue your licence in time.
  • As it will appear on the certificate
  • As it will appear on the certificate.
  • Previous Licence Information & Land Owner Consent

    Please select the relevant options to enable Council to complete their assessment correctly
  • If your stall is on Council land, please contact Council's Liaison Officer - Governance and Property on (03) 6211 8200.
  • Food Information

    Please answer the below questions regarding the types of food and what steps you will take to ensure health and hygiene requirements are met throughout the event.
  • Please include the address and conditions of storage.
  • Further information may be requested in relation to your application depending on the types of food to be sold (e.g. specific details of food preparation).
  • How will food be kept cold?
  • How will food be kept hot?
  • Hand wash facilities must have warm running water, soap and paper towel as shown in the DHHS Temporary Food Stall Guidelines; hand sanitiser alone is not acceptable. Your application will not be approved unless hand wash facilities are provided.
  • 1. I agree to comply with all food safety requirements stipulated by the Event Organiser, Council's Environmental Health Officer and the conditions as set out on the Temporary Food Business Certificate of Registration. 2. I agree to keep a copy of Council's temporary food business certificate of registration at my food stall for the duration of the event. 3. I have read and understood this and all the associated documents relating to this application including the DHHS Temporary Food Stall Guidelines. 4. I understand that by submitting this application it is a legal document and the person named on the certificate is responsible for the running of the stall, safe food handling practices in accordance with the Food Act 2003 and the Food Standards Code and compliance with stipulated conditions.
  • Privacy Statement

    Council is collecting this information from you for the primary purpose of communicating with you regarding Council Business. The information will only be used and disclosed as prescribed under the Personal Information Act 2004. The Council requires this information to allow its officers to carry out Council Business. If you do not provide the information requested, Council will not be able to process this form. You may make an application to access or amend the information held by Council by contacting the relevant Council Officer on 6211 8200

Temporary Place of Assembly Application Form

Public Health Act 1997 – Sections 76 & 81

  • This form ONLY needs to be completed if your event will have one thousand people or more, present for two hours or more.
  • Please complete this form if you wish to apply to operate a temporary place of assembly for a specific event.

This process should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.   Once you have completed the form it will be lodged with Council and an Environmental Health Officer will contact you within 10 days to discuss your application – please note that support documents may be requested.

  • Please note that there is a fee for this application.
  • After you have submitted the application form, you will be contacted with an application number for payment.
  • Payment can be made in person during Council business hours or by credit card over the phone on (03) 6211 8200.
  • Please refer to Council’s fee schedule (above this section) for the relevant fee.

You must complete this form two weeks prior to the date of the event.

Please remember to:

  • Include as much detail as possible.
  • Provide an answer to every question.
  • Tick all of the confirmations to allow the generation of your certificate.
  • Display the certificate on the day.

Contact an Environmental Health Officer on (03) 6211 8255 if you need assistance.

Please be aware that events may be inspected by an authorised officer and enforcement action may be taken where non-compliances are noted.


Wedding Ceremony Notification Form

Council has no arrangement whereby the public can reserve public areas for weddings. Once we are notified of your wedding ceremony, a notation is made on our calendar to provide a record of who is likely to use the area; this will help minimise any potential clashes with other weddings or events. However, not everyone notifies Council of their wedding ceremony, and more than one wedding in a public area may occur.

Council’s requirements are:

  • the area must remain accessible to the public at all times;
  • area is to be left in a clean and tidy condition after the event;
  • confetti, rice, or similar, is not to be used; and
  • order to prevent any broken glass, all drinks should be served from non-breakable drinking vessels.

Privacy Statement
Completion of this form may require the disclosure of personal information. The intended recipients of this information are officers of the Kingborough Council in order to advance the purposes of this form and to carry out Council business. The Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and Council’s Privacy Policy regulate the use of this information, which will not be disclosed to any other party, except with your permission or if required or authorised by law. You may make application to access or amend personal information held by Council by contacting the Customer Service Unit on (03) 6211 8200. Should you not provide the information sought, Council will not be able to process this form.

Wedding Ceremony Notification

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • Please be specific in the location i.e. northern end of beach