The Kingborough Community Hub is opening its doors for the first time – come and explore the new heart of Kingston Park.
5pm – Official Opening Ceremony with Welcome to Country by Nita Education
5.30pm – Entertainment:
- Kingston High School Band
- The Tinderboxers
- Dewayne Everettsmith
- Teahouse Trio
- Janelle Stowe & Brendon Siemsen
Food and wine vans available from 5.30pm.
Have Your Say:
- Kingston Park Playground with Playstreet
- Planning Kingborough’s Future with Council
Find Out About:
- Kingston Park Developers, Traders In Purple
- Future opportunities at the Hub
For more information:
- Kingborough Community Hub:
- Facebook Event: @KingboroughTas
The Community Hub is jointly funded by the Kingborough Council and a $2.8 million grant obtained from the Australian Government’s first round of the Building Better Regions Fund program.
Council is grateful to our partners Traders In Purple, who are contributing to this opening night event.