Planning Permit Process

As with any detailed process, the below is provided as a guide. It is important to note that there are many variables to consider and that they will directly effect the timelines for your planning project.

Application for planning permit

You submit the application, including all relevant documentation and fees.

Our information on how to submit a planning application will guide you through the requirements, as well as any additional items to consider.


Your submission will be assessed to ensure all initial documentation has been provided with your application and we will contact you if further information is required.

Kingborough Council’s Customer Service team will then lodge the application and send you the invoice to pay. Once it is paid, the application will be allocated to a Planning Officer for assessment.

Preliminary assessment

We will refer your application to other Council employees, including, but not limited to: a Development Engineering Officer, Environmental Planner, Plumbing Officer, Environmental Health Officer, and Urban Designer.

Once these officers have completed their initial assessment of your proposal, we will determine whether further information is required to advertise and/or assess your development.

If we need more information we will let you know in a timely manner. Planning officers have up to 21 calendar days* to request further information for discretionary planning applications and up to 14 calendar* days for permitted planning applications.

(*if the 14th or 21st day lands on a public holiday, the time frame to request further information is extended until the next calendar day)

Advertising period

Your application may require advertising, in accordance with the requirements of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA).

Members of the public have 14 calendar days** from the date of advertisement to lodge a representation with Council (as per the representation expiry date).  This must be done in writing and should state the reasons why they support or object to the application.

Discretionary planning applications are able to be viewed within the advertising period on the Kingborough Council website.

(** if there is a public holiday anywhere within the 14 day advertising period, the period will b extended to reflect the amount of public holidays. However, the advertising period cannot finish on a Saturday or Sunday. E.g. Hobart Show Day=1 extra day; Good Friday and Easter Monday = 2 extra days)

Detailed assessment

The time the assessment takes varies depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Assessment against the planning scheme provisions must be made. Planners consider both internal, and external referrals, and representations made by members of the public, either for or against the proposal.

Council meeting

Planning applications may need to be presented to the Councillors, who act as the Planning Authority, for determination at a Council meeting.

Planning applications need to be presented to the Councillors if three or more opposing representations have been received, or is for refusal. An extension of time may need to be requested in order to present an application to the Councillors within the statutory timeframe of 42 days.

For full Council meeting details, dates and agendas, visit the Council Meetings webpage.


We will issue a notice of our decision to approve or refuse the application.