Planning Scheme Amendments

Planning scheme amendments are requests received by Councils for amendments to planning schemes which sometimes includes a combined planning permit request.  These types of amendment applications are initiated under section 34 of the former provisions of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.  This process requires Council to certify and advertise a draft amendment for public comment.  Any person may then provide comments to the Council within the prescribed period.  Council then considers any responses and reports to the Tasmanian Planning Commission.  Where comments are received, it is usual practice for the Commission to hold hearings and a decision, which provides opportunity for modifications where approved, is then made.

Fact Sheet 22 – Planning Scheme Amendment Process

Current amendments open for public comment

No amendments for comment

Recently Decided Planning Scheme Amendments


 The Tasmanian Planning Commission approved the above-mentioned Planning Scheme Amendment on 15 February 2024, and it is effective from 28 March 2024.

The Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2016 (KIPS2015) references several external documents that are relied upon to make planning decisions.

They are commonly referred to as the ‘incorporated documents’ and listed in Appendix 1 and throughout the text of the planning scheme.

The Kingborough Public Open Space Policy, Policy 6.3 and the Kingborough Biodiversity Offset Policy, Policy 6.1 are two of eight existing incorporated documents listed and referenced in the KIPS2015.

These two policies are part of good governance procedures and guide Council decisions as follows:

  • The purpose of the Kingborough Public Open Space Policy is to provide guidance to the application of monetary contributions in lieu of providing open space.
  • The purpose of the Biodiversity Offset Policy is to ensure that offsets avoid a net loss and are implemented in a transparent and consistent manner.

The purpose of the above-mentioned Planning Scheme Amendment to update the listing and reference of the current endorsed versions of the two policies in the planning scheme.

The Tasmanian Planning Commission’s decision notice with the approved amendment is provided below.

Copies of the most recently approved policies are available on Council’s website.

The amended version of the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (as per the Commission decision of 15 February 2024) is now available the Tasmanian Planning Commission’s website and on Council’s website.