Updates and overview of process


The Tasmanian State Government is moving all Councils to a single Planning Scheme, known as the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. The Tasmanian Planning Scheme is made up of two parts: the State Planning Provisions (SPPs) and Local Provisions Schedules (LPS). The diagram below shows how they fit together.

The State Planning Provisions (SPPs) are the planning rules, standardised zones and codes, approved by the Minister for Planning. They will apply across Tasmania.

Each Council area will also have a Local Provisions Schedule (LPS) that sets out where the zones and codes will apply.

Below is a diagram describing the process that will be followed to introduce the new planning scheme in Kingborough.


The Public Exhibition period has concluded on Monday 9 December 2024 .

The Exhibition Period allowed time for people to view the draft Planning Scheme and to consider how it may potentially affect them. During this period people submitted written representations to indicate support, raise concerns or object to the proposed new scheme.


To make a late representation you can fill out an online representation form .

Alternatively, you can address your written representation to the CEO, Kingborough Council with reference “Kingborough Draft Local Provisions Schedule” and;

  • hand deliver to Kingborough Council Civic Centre, 15 Channel Highway, Kingston or the service centre at Alonnah on Bruny Island;
  • mail to Kingborough Council, Locked Bag 1, Kingston TAS 7050; or
  • email to kc@kingborough.tas.gov.au


Following the exhibition period, a report will be presented to Council about the representations received. Council may, in light of any representations received, request the TPC makes changes to the draft planning scheme. The Council Report will be available to be viewed by the community in the Council Agenda. The community can also attend or watch the Council Meeting (live streamed on Youtube).



The Tasmanian Planning Commission will make an independent assessment in regard to the content, merit and compliance of the draft planning scheme for Kingborough, following receipt of Council’s report on the outcomes of the exhibition period.

The Commission will hold hearings about all representations received, unless:

  • you have indicated support for and no opposition to any aspect of the draft scheme;
  • you have advised you do not wish to be heard; or
  • you have pointed out an error, anomaly, inconsistency, or drafting problem in the draft scheme.

The hearings may result in further changes to the draft scheme, which may then be re-advertised if those changes are considered significant.



When the TPC is satisfied that no further amendments or hearings are required, it will publish its decision and announce the date that the new Planning Scheme will come into effect.