All of Council’s policies are listed in alphabetical order below and can be viewed as a PDF file. If you have any trouble accessing these files or if you have any further questions, please contact us.
Please note that whilst every effort is made to have policies reviewed in the month they become due, this is a guide for Council officers only, and all policies remain in effect until Council has passed a resolution adopting an updated policy. They do not expire on the review date.
- Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners
- Active Transport Positive Provision Policy
- Asset Management
- Biodiversity Offset
- Bonding of Works
- Cash-In-Lieu of Parking
- Chief Executive Officer Title
- Child Safety
- Civic Centre Flagpoles
- Climate Change
- Code for Tenders and Contracts
- Coastal Hazards
- Communications and Engagement
- Community Grants
- Complaints Management
- Continuous Improvement
- Corporate Credit Card
- Council Meetings & Councillor Workshops Audio Recording Guidelines
- Councillors Gifts and Benefits
- Councillor Workshops
- Customer Service Charter
- Delegated Authority
- Dog Management
- Donations
- Election Caretaker Period
- Enforcement
- Establishment of Bushfire Hazard Management Areas on Council Land
- Fee Exemptions and Reductions
- Financial Hardship
- Financial Reserves
- Fire Risk Abatement
- Food Truck
- Footpath Provision & Maintenance
- Fraud Control & Corruption Prevention
- Kingborough Community Awards
- Kingborough Disability Inclusion and Access
- Kingborough Twin Ovals Advertising and Signage
- Kingborough Youth
- Leasing and Licencing
- Memorials
- Payment of Councillors Expenses and Provision of Facilities
- Planning Authority Delegations
- Positive Ageing
- Privacy
- Private Works
- Public Art and Art Collection
- Public Interest Disclosures Policy & Procedures
- Public Open Space Contribution
- Purchasing
- Rates and Charges
- Rate Rebate for Conservation Covenant
- Related Party Disclosure
- Release of Documents
- Risk Management
- Sale of Council Land
- Significant Trees
- Sports Ground User Policy
- Street Trading
- Sundry Debt Management
- Treasury Management
- Unauthorised Vegetation Damage Signage
- Waste Wise Events
- Work Health and Safety
- Build Over Easement Guidelines
- Nature Strip Guidelines
- No Spray Register Guidelines
- Sight Distance Mirror Guidelines
- Speed Limit Review Guidelines
- Stormwater Drain Blockage Guidelines
- Private Underground Electrical Connections (PUECs)