The Public Exhibition period concluded on Monday 9 December 2024.
The Exhibition Period allowed time for people to view the draft Planning Scheme and to consider how it may potentially affect them.
Feedback through the representations will inform the Tasmanian Planning Commission’s decision making around the final version of Kingborough’s part of the Tasmania Planning Scheme.
The planning scheme is an important tool for managing land use and development for our community so we have gone beyond the legislated exhibition requirements to ensure that people are aware of the exhibition period and to provide a variety of ways the community can access information.
The draft planning scheme and relevant supporting documents will be available for viewing during normal business hours at the:
- Kingborough Council Civic Centre at 15 Channel Highway, Kingston and Bruny Island Service Centre, Alonnah, between 8:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
- Tasmanian Planning Commission’s offices from 9am until 5pm, Monday to Friday at Level 3, 144 Macquarie Street, Hobart.
All exhibition documents may also be viewed online on the Kingborough Council Website at Planning Scheme Page
Although the Public Exhibition period officially closed on Monday, 9 December 2024, Council will still accept late representations. We will make every effort to consider this information within the statutory time frames and any directions provided by the Tasmanian Planning Commission. Additionally, the Tasmanian Planning Commission has provided guidance regarding late representations, which can be found on their webpage.
To make a late representation you can fill out the online representation form below.
Alternatively, you can address your written representation to the Chief Executive Officer, Kingborough Council with reference “Kingborough Draft Local Provisions Schedule” and;
- hand deliver to Kingborough Council Civic Centre, 15 Channel Highway, Kingston or the service centre at Alonnah on Bruny Island;
- mail to Kingborough Council, Locked Bag 1, Kingston, TAS 7050; or
- email to
PLEASE NOTE: If you have any difficulties submitting your representation online please email it to:
Or if you would like assistance please call 6211 8200 during business hours.
Submit a Representation
Kingborough Draft LPS Online Representation
Next Steps After the Exhibition Period
Council will consider the written representations received in a public meeting and prepare a report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission. This may include recommendations for changes to the Draft Local Provisions Schedule.
The Tasmanian Planning Commission will then hold public hearings where public representations and Council’s report are considered before a final decision is made.
You can contact Council’s Planning staff with an enquiry by phoning 03 6211 8200.