A passionate sailor, Lindsay Wilson has been recognised for his loyalty to the Kingston Beach Sailing Club and mentoring young people in Kingborough through youth sailing programs.
Lindsay has volunteered with the Kingston Beach Sailing Club for over 20 years. He has committed many weekends and evenings to running events and has held the positions of Secretary and Database Coordinator. Lindsay is currently the Principal of the Sailing School, where he supervises and organises the school’s instructors to ensure the training is safely and professionally delivered to children enrolled in sailing programs.
Over 70 young people in Kingborough join the Tackers Program each year, where they learn valuable sailing and life skills.
Lindsay is often the first to arrive on Saturday mornings and is usually the last to leave. He is always prepared to fill in any gaps on the duty roster and is a willing hand with tasks such as launching rescue boats, manning the radio command centre and even helping in the canteen at lunchtimes.
In addition to his responsibilities as Principal, Lindsay is an active committee member, attending monthly meetings and contributing many hours of his time to help maintain the club’s resources.
He is also assists his wife Louise, to help her with packing and distributing hampers to those in need. Lindsay is an extremely valued member of the community and we thank him for his years of dedication.