
Bags of Hope

“Every Christmas, the Kingborough Fitness Centre staff collect Hope bags for the Salvation Army Christmas appeal. The Hope campaign provides over 2,00 bags filled with food for families in need during Christmas.

“Christmas time can be difficult for some people due to financial pressures, feelings of loneliness, or the absence of loved ones, which may feel more pronounced during the festive season.

“This year so far 60 bags have been collected by the staff at the Kingborough Fitness Centre. These will all go to families and people in need this Christmas.

“Hope Bags are a Salvation Army initiative providing essential items such as toiletries and non-perishable food to individuals and families in crisis.

“I would like to thank all our staff and community members for these thoughtfully curated bags which offer practical support and a message of compassion and hope to those in need.”
Tamara Downie, Fitness Centre Team Leader said every year she was overwhelmed by the generosity of staff and gym members who filled the Bags of Hope.

“These bags help so many in need enabling them to enjoy a brighter Christmas and putting smiles on some faces,” Ms Downie said.

L- R : Paula Wriedt – Mayor, Christian Farley, Aaron Clement and Tamara Downie Kingborough Fitness Centre