

UPDATE 12 September

Construction of the underpass is progressing after external service authorities completed the removal of their infrastructure today.

Council has been working with the contractor to evaluate and expedite the construction program since the completion of these works.

Next week will see further excavation to prepare for the installation of the box culverts that will form the underpass.

Once this excavation is complete, we will be able to provide an updated project timeline to the community.

We appreciate the community’s patience throughout this project.


UPDATE 5 September

Kingborough Council Mayor, Paula Wriedt provided an update on the Summerleas Road Underpass project.

“So far on the project, excavation work has been up to both sides of Summerleas Road in preparation for the installation of the underpass culverts,” Cr Wriedt said.

“However, we’ve had to pause further excavation directly under the road while we work with service providers to move existing infrastructure out of the way.

“This week, TasWater carried out pressure testing on the water pipes, a crucial step to enable the pipes to be relocated.

“We have been working with TasNetworks to arrange removal of a power pole which is preventing further excavation on site. These works are now scheduled to take place in the week commencing 9 September.

“This will keep the project moving forward and enable us to understand how these delays might affect our project timeline.

“We really appreciate the community’s patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges.”


UPDATE 29 August

“To install the new underpass infrastructure, it has been necessary to close Summerleas Road between Whitewater Crescent and Queens Parade.

“Unfortunately, work has been delayed on this project due to the need to move non-council infrastructure on the site.

“Negotiations with the service authorities are progressing well with plans to move some of the infrastructure (weather dependent) next week, which will enable the project to continue.

“Currently the project time will be lengthened and community signage updated to reflect this.

“There will be more specific information regarding timeline available in the next few weeks.

“Council is working with the contractor on methods to expedite the construction and we apologise for any inconvenience these delays may cause.”


UPDATE 22 August

Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said to install the new underpass infrastructure, it was necessary to close Summerleas Road between Whitewater Crescent and Queens Parade.

“Unfortunately, unforeseen delays in relocating non-council infrastructure have extended the project timeline beyond the initially anticipated 10 weeks.

“These organisations are assisting Council and the contractors by expediting the relocation process,” Cr Wriedt said.

“We apologise for the inconvenience these delays may cause and are committed to providing weekly updates to keep the community informed about the project’s progress and revised timeline.”