
Positive Ageing Program

Over the next three months, Kingborough Council will be releasing a collection of unique talks and host several Pop-Up Cafes with guest speakers as part of the Positive Ageing Program.

Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said the Tuesday Talks were held on the first Tuesday of every month.

“These are wonderful opportunities for our senior community to learn and share experiences with each other,” Cr Wriedt said.

Our three Tuesday talks for the rest of the year are:

1 October – local stand-up comedian Daryl Peebles sharing the funny side to ageing
5 November – Office of Anti-Discrimination Commissioner on your rights and the responsibilities within the community
3 December – healthy ageing with Dr Ashley Dent

“Our Pop-Up Cafes provide a relaxed space for informative talks on topics such as nutrition and gardening.

“They’re a great way to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and learn something new.

“On Thursday 4 October we will be hearing from our gardening expert John McGaughey discuss essential springtime tips.

“We have sugar free tips for healthy living with nutritionist Jill Cooper on Thursday 10 October.

“Jill simplifies the answers for you and tailors her discussion to help you find healthy food and treats to suit your body’s health.”

For more information on our events visit the Council’s website.