
Pets in Emergencies

As part of EmergencyRedi Week, Council is improving communications around preparing pets for an emergency.

Kingborough Council Mayor, Paula Wriedt said pets are part of our families, so it is essential we plan and prepare for emergencies with them in mind.

“This project is about helping pet owners to be prepared, leave early and take their animals with them,” Cr Wriedt said.

“It involves the installation of signage at Kingborough dog exercise/dog training areas and the application of stickers on wheelie bins below dog poo bag dispensers.

“With over 6000 registered dogs in Kingborough this is an important way to reach a lot of pet owners.

“Post bushfire research undertaken in New South Wales by Macquarie University found that 43% of people said that they ‘definitely would not’ evacuate without their pets.

“A further 42% of pet owners said they ‘might not’ evacuate or would question the reason to leave in an emergency without their pets.

“These messages will highlight vital information in simple formats on things to consider and how to stay informed.

“Kingborough has a very high risk of bushfire, and this is one aspect of emergency planning that we want our community to really think about and be prepared for.
Pet owners need to consider:
• How to transport your animal in an emergency
• Making an emergency kit for your pet
• Where to stay if you need to evacuate
• Making sure there is always identification on your pet

Council has partnered with the RSPCA Tasmania on this project which received support from the Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Grants Program.
It is hoped that this project will be rolled out regionally in coming months, for more information please see the emergency pages on Council’s website.