
Smoke Free

Kingborough Council is seeking the community’s feedback on whether second-hand smoke is a problem at Council owned spaces.

Mayor, Paula Wriedt said Council was asking if more smoke free areas were needed to help address any potential issue.

“Smoke-free areas are controlled under the Public Health Act 1997 and were introduced to reduce the public’s exposure to harmful second-hand smoke,” Cr Wriedt said.

Areas which are currently declared smoke free areas:

  • Indoor restaurants and shops
  • Within 3 metres of an entry to a public building
  • Pedestrian malls
  • Outdoor dining areas (at times when food can be eaten)
  • Within 10 metres of playground equipment
  • Bus malls; and
  • Within 3 metres of bus shelters.

“In these smoke-free areas you can’t use any tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes like vapes, herbal cigarettes, and non-tobacco cigarettes.

“Council has previously declared Kingston Park and The Community Hub as Council owned smoke-free areas.

“The community’s feedback will help inform Council’s future direction with smoke free areas in the community.”

To provide your feedback, please visit Council’s website to participate in the survey.

This consultation will close on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.

See consultation page.