At the Council Meeting on Monday 17 July, Kingborough Council voted to support ongoing local government reform, and to further collaborate with the Huon Valley Council on the potential to create one new Council south of Hobart.
Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said the Tasmanian Government was currently undertaking the Future of Local Government Review.
“The Review provides a unique opportunity to reshape what Local Government looks like, whilst addressing sustainability challenges and growing demands,” Cr Wriedt said.
“To stimulate debate, the Local Government Board collaborated with the University of Tasmania to develop several catchment-based local government scenarios.
“One of the scenarios presented, Southern Shore Scenario 2, would see an amalgamation of the Kingborough and Huon Valley Councils.
“Tonight’s Council decision will see a submission provided to the Board, informing them of our support for collaboration with Huon Valley Council.
“This scenario increases the population base to approximately 59,000 residents, enabling economies of scale and better service delivery for our residents.
“Council voted to keep open the potential of Taroona being added into our capital city catchment scenarios and proposed to explore the establishment of a Bruny Island Board as an alternative model of governance.
“A Board model for Bruny Island, similar to how Lord Howe Island is governed would be managed by the State Government.
“Local Government reform provides a unique opportunity to reshape the Tasmanian local government sector and Council is ready to collaborate with our neighbours to achieve the best possible outcomes for our residents.”