
Tuesday Talks

Tuesday Talks, first delivered as part of Council’s Positive Ageing program in 2018, are returning this June.

Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said the talks would be held on the first Tuesday of the month.

“Tuesday Talks provide informal gatherings where older people can hear presentations on a wide variety of topics,” Cr Wriedt said.

“These are wonderful session that bring people together to hear about current issues, learn about local services or other topics relevant to older people.

“Tuesday Talks are a great way to keep informed, to share ideas about what might be included in Council’s positive ageing programs, stay connected and enjoy a cuppa with others.

Talks planned for the next 3 months are:

  • TADTas – Tuesday 4 July 10.30am

“Come along and hear about a great group of volunteer engineers, and therapists who have used their professional skills to work by inventing and manufacturing solutions to problems for people using mobility aids.

“Think modified bicycles for kids with physical disabilities or customised alterations to aids which can improve and prolong independence for people using a variety of aids.

“This will be an uplifting talk about what can be achieved when professional skills and heart are brought together and how great skills can be given new life in retirement.

  • Voice to Parliament Information Session – Tuesday 1 August 10.30 am

“If you would like to learn more about issues related to the Voice to Parliament referendum, August’s talk, presented by Reconciliation Tasmania, will provide important information on both sides of the debate with ample time for questions.”

Tuesday Talks are held at the Kingborough Community Hub and are free.
Morning tea is provided.

Bookings are required visit Council Events page or Phone 6211 8200 or email