
Access Channel Highway Upgrades

Council would like to thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding during the CBD upgrade along Channel Highway in Kingston.

Whilst Council is committed to opening the closed section of the road as soon as possible, the development has been subject to the condition of the underground assets (eg stormwater pipes) that could only be determined once construction commenced.

Work taking place on the Channel Highway will transform Kingston into an attractive and vibrant centre creating further investment and providing an engaging urban environment; in addition to the street improvements, a strategic upgrade of the stormwater system has been completed. Work which started on Hutchins Street in March this year has increased the network’s stormwater capacity which is a key component to future proofing Kingston against the effects of climate change.

Currently as scheduled the Channel Highway will be partially opened to vehicle traffic from Tuesday 30 May.  This will allow the remaining footpath works to be completed safely and without the need for additional traffic management. There will be increased access for pedestrians from May 30 as well. The partial closure of the northern lane will allow the overall project to finish on time.

Please see map below for how the partial opening to traffic will work.

This picture is just an Illustration only for traffic flow – bus stops will still remain on Goshawk Way for a number of months still

The program for the coming week includes some additional pedestrian detours as sections of footpath are poured.

Program of Works – Tuesday 9 May to Friday 12 May:

  • Sections of footpath will be poured
  • Continued closure of Channel Highway
  • Kerb preparation
  • Continued preparation of road base
  • Finalising stormwater infrastructure
  • Continued installation of electrical and irrigation infrastructure
  • Light pole footings will continue to be poured
  • Preparation of tree pits