Kingborough Council formally endorsed support for the Kingborough LGBTIQA+ Action Plan 2023 -2025 at Council’s 5 December meeting.
The Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said the Council sought to better understand and address the needs of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual communities (LGBTIQA+) through the development of a community working group.
“The LGBTIQA+ Working Group guided consultation and informed development of a Kingborough LGBTIQA+ Action Plan chaired by Cr Midgley with Cr Glade-Wright,” Cr Wriedt said.
“The eight-member working group developed survey which was open to the community between 12 July and 12 August 2022 and received 162 responses.
“Based on the themes arising from the consultation, a draft Kingborough LGBTIQA+ Action Plan 2023-2025 was developed which was endorsed by most Councillors.
“It does trouble me that almost 30% of respondents felt unsafe in Kingborough sometime in the last two years.
“That’s why I welcome this report on behalf of all the community members who have taken the time to express their thoughts and ideas as inclusion starts with understanding how all our community members feel.
“Including allowing a voice for our LGBTIQA+ community, the Action Plan highlights some immediate upgrades which are not cost prohibited but go a long way to addressing entrenched exclusion like addressing gendered titles in Council forms.
“I look forward to working through this Action Plan with my colleagues and thank the staff and members of our community for bravely raising their voices to this important engagement.”