
Margate Development

At the 6 June Kingborough Council Meeting, Councillors considered a request for a 20 year rates and fee concession from the Kalis Group’s development in Margate.

“There was a lot of Council debate over the request from Kalis Group,” Cr Wriedt said.

“Most of the Councillors felt that the ask was too large and that the development had received sufficient support.

“However, like many in the community, we just want the development to be completed.

“This is why I introduced an amendment which would see Council investigate legal options of tying any rates relief to the future anchor’s tenant’s rent.

“We don’t feel the Kalis Group needs the help, but the lead tenant will take the biggest risk and help others to establish, so if we can encourage the take up of that first tenancy, the development has more chance of being completed.

“Council also voted to make sure that any remission, if granted, was limited to a two-year period.

“Everyone wants this development to proceed so we can see the reinvigoration of Margate.

“If Council can assist the process by creating an incentive to secure an anchor tenancy it may speed up completion.

In 2011 the Kalis Group submitted a Development Application (DA) to build a supermarket on the Channel Highway in Margate.

Under planning legislation the initial demolition work and laying of a slab is considered to be ‘substantial completion’ towards the development, and so Council has no power to compel further work on the site.

A further report with advice on how to target relief to the anchor tenant will be presented Council no later than 31 July 2022.