Kingston’s CBD is getting a much-needed makeover in 2022 and Council is seeking community feedback on the important design elements for the Channel Hwy.
Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said that public feedback on the Kingston Place Strategy highlighted the desire for an attractive, engaging and greener area.
“We are grateful that $7.9m funding was then provided by the State Government through the Hobart City Deal to implement the first stage of the project,” Cr Wriedt said.
“Council’s initial focus has been how we can incorporate as many of the strategy’s recommendations during the design process.
“One of the challenges however is the width of the street, particularly the lack of space to accommodate street trees, wider footpaths, on-street dining, bike lanes and carparking.
“It is not possible to include all of these elements and so we are keen to get community feedback on the most important priorities for the upgrade.
“Residents will be able to have their say in a number of ways. These include a community survey, business workshops and engagement stalls in Kingston during Summer.
“I am hoping that the community gets behind this engagement process and shares with Council what is important to them.”
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