
Wheelie Good Business

Is your business fully accessible to everyone? Could a wheelchair user enjoy everything you’ve got to offer?

ParaQuad Tasmania is a not-for-profit association and the peak body for Tasmanians with Spinal Cord Injury and physical disability.

It produces the Wheelie Good Guide, which lists accessible accommodation, recreational activities, events, parks and reserves and transport options around the state.

It’s a tool specifically aimed at wheelchair users who need a quick access guide to places to stay and things to do that are accessible and welcoming.

ParaQuad’s Access Coordinator, Richard Jones, has visited many of the sites in the Guide.

“All the accommodation sites listed in the Guide have been personally tested and assessed by a wheelchair user,” Richard said.

“We list the features of each, like parking and access to the room or unit, and other things like bathroom additions that make life easier.”

Other listings for attraction, parks and reserves let potential visitors know if there are paths as opposed to steps, accessible toilets, and where wheelchair users can easily go, or not.

“It’s so important that businesses and attractions are inclusive – not just for wheelchair users, but for anyone with mobility issues, and event parents with prams,” Richard added.

Inclusion in the Guide is a smart move too, as it’s used by Tasmanians and people from interstate who are planning a trip.

Kingborough Council’s Access Committee Chair, Paula Wriedt is encouraging people with mobility issues to use the Wheelie Good Guide.

“This is an excellent resource.

“I really encourage businesses in Kingborough to get on board to help promote accessible tourism.

“We want businesses to remove barriers and actively welcome people with mobility aids,” Cr Wriedt said.

“I’m hoping the Wheelie Good Guide can grow to be an important reference for promoting business inclusiveness throughout Kingborough.

ParaQuad Tasmania urges businesses to register their interest for inclusion in the Wheelie Good Guide. Contact for more information.

Inclusion in the Guide is free and requires content and photos which show accessibility features.