
Greyhound Off Leash Area

Kingborough Council is close to completing the first ‘off leash’ greyhound dog exercise area in southern Tasmania, the second in the State.

Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said this specific area was developed to provide more exercise freedom for greyhounds.

“What some people may not be aware of is that under the Tasmanian Government’s Dog Control Act 2000, greyhounds can only be exercised off-lead in specific areas declared by Council,” Cr Wriedt said.

“Back in April this year Council undertook consultation with the community that allowed the public, dog and greyhound owners to provide feedback on the proposal and it was overwhelmingly in favour of it proceeding.

“Council also consulted greyhound experts on the design prior to it being built.

“The area was closed in late June following accident with a greyhound running into the fence and hurting itself, which of course would be very distressing for the owner.

“We sought further expert advice and have now made modifications to the greyhound exercise area to reduce the risk of injury or accident to greyhounds using the space.

“Newly developed signs will go up at the entrance, asking dog owners to slowly introduce their greyhounds to the area to avoid any accidents.

“These signs will highlight that dogs may become overexcited in the area after being let off leash, and for owners to watch out for this.

“Other modifications to the area include a dark coloured, durable material over the fence.

“This is to help the greyhounds identify the boundaries more easily.

“A seat will also be removed, to reduce the need for greyhounds to negotiate obstacles in the area and for maximum safety.”

The Council will inform the public when this area is open for use.