Kingborough Mayor Paula Wriedt has welcomed an assurance by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Michael Ferguson, that a slip lane will be built at the Huntingfield roundabout at Kingston.
“I am pleased that the Minister has listened to Kingborough residents,” Cr Wriedt said.
“There was a great deal of concern last week when the State Government lodged an appeal to the Resources Management Planning Appeals Tribunal about the addition of a slip lane by Kingborough Council as part of the Development Application permit conditions.
“Since the appeal was lodged, Minister Ferguson and I have had many conversations in order to resolve this matter to ensure that the current and future needs of Kingborough residents are met.
“Minister Ferguson has committed that the slip lane at the Huntingfield roundabout will go ahead, through a separate development application, to be lodged by the end of this year.
“I welcome this commitment by Minister Ferguson and Council will now consider it at a special meeting next week.
“What’s important here is that the slip lane is built – and whether or not it’s in this DA or another one, we have secured this commitment from the Government.
“I’ve welcomed the way in which Minister Ferguson and I were able to engage directly on this in a productive way to benefit the Kingborough community,” Cr Wriedt said.