
Reducing Landfill

The Kingborough Acting Mayor, Jo Westwood said the Council was committed to reducing the amount of waste going to landfill.

“In October this year, we will be introducing our new Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside collection system,” Cr Westwood said.

“This will upgrade our existing green waste kerbside collection service from just a garden waste service to one which includes food scraps.

“This new service will help our community to reduce the amount of waste which is sent to landfill.

“Approximately 60 per cent of the average household bin is made up of food waste.

“This ends up in landfill which then produces methane, which is one of the most harmful greenhouse gases.

“As well as reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill, Council also wants to improve our community’s access to information and resources.

“That’s why this month we are beginning our ‘No Waste Nothing’ campaign which features a character, Mamma Rosa, in a series of videos highlighting great waste reduction tips.

“Mamma Rosa is played by comedian Rose Ottavi-Kokkoris a Tasmanian Actor with Italian origins who has a family inspired love for not wasting anything.

“This month is Plastic Free July, so Council is promoting a video which aims to encourage, through humour, more recycling of our soft plastics.”

For more information on how to reduce your waste and create great home composts please see the Council website under Waste Avoidance and Home Composting.