
New Quick Response Grants

In late 2020, a review of the Community Grants program was undertaken by Kingborough Council to make sure the program was targeted to helping our community effectively.

Kingborough Acting Mayor, Jo Westwood said changes to the Community Grants program were needed to improve efficiency and help to meet the community’s needs.

“One funding round annually has now been adopted for the program rather than splitting the funding over two rounds,” Ms Westwood said.

“A Quick Response Community Assistance component has also been added to the program, which allows community groups to apply and receive funding up to a $1000 quickly.

Starting in the new financial year, the Community Grant program will run with an annual budget of $40,000 with the grant round opening on Monday 5 July and closing on Monday 6 September 2021.

“Grant allocations will remain at a maximum of $3000 and be allocated to projects that have a significant community benefit,” Cr Westwood said.

$5000 of the total grant budget is set aside for the ‘Quick Response Community Assistance’ grants. Criteria remain the same for the Quick Response grants.

“Our aim is to support organisations that are running an activity or event who need that little extra bit of assistance to make it happen.”

Quick Response Community Assistance grants will be available throughout the year or until the allocation is spent.

Application forms and guidelines can be found for the grants on Council’s website or for more information phone Julie Alderfox on 6211 8170 or email