“A stitch in time saves nine” a famous old saying guiding Kingborough’s new Browns River Karamu Control project. Removing one weed today saves removing a whole river of them in a few years.
Karamu is a highly invasive weed and is currently only growing in a few places in Tasmania. Supported by the City of Hobart, the folk from the Fern Tree Bushcare group have been controlling Karamu at the top of the catchment. In partnership with private landholders and the State Government, Kingborough is now working to continue this excellent work down to the Derwent.
Left unchecked Karamu will take over the river, clogging the waterway and making access to the river almost impossible.
If you own land along Browns River and you would like more information regarding the project call Kingborough Council on (03) 6211 8255 or email kc@kingborough.tas.gov.au