Kingborough Council would like to thank members of the community who shared their ideas on the future of Silverwater Park in Woodbridge.
The feedback received by 299 residents, has allowed Council to better understand what people value about the Park and will help us consider the best way to manage it in the future.
“This has been a very popular engagement project,” said the Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Dean Winter.
“Council officers set up consultation booths at the Middleton Country Fair, Woodbridge Market, the annual Market in the Meadow and at Love Living Locally.
“About a third of those who had their say, did so by turning up and talking to officers, which included some great ideas and drawings from our younger residents.
“Unfortunately we had planned to extend the consultation into the classroom, but the coronavirus pandemic has meant this has been postponed. We will be considering that part of the project once school operations return to normal.
“What has been fantastic is the personal stories people have shared about the Park, which have also highlighted previous projects.
“Thanks to all who have had their say. The feedback is extremely valuable.”
The top five priorities for improvement of Silverwater Park were seating, play equipment, toilets, shade and improved access to the water front.
The top five priorities that people did not want to change were trees, open spaces, access to barbeque facilities, grassy areas and views of the water.
Nearly half of the respondents said they were not happy with the play space at the park. The top five suggested improvements included more play equipment, swings, climbing equipment, a slide and nature based play options.
The consultation also asked the community if they would like to see public art installed at Silverwater Park. Over three-quarters of respondents said they do support public art and would like to see the installation of the Tin Tuna Sculpture. This artwork was purchased by Kingborough Council via our acquisition program with the Art Farm Birchs Bay Sculpture Prize.
The full report and findings of the consultation are available on Council’s website at on the Agenda for the 27 April Council Meeting on page 120.