Do you know an older person who may not be able to get out much, and who would appreciate a nutritious meal delivered to their home once a week?
We encourage intergenerational connections between members of our community by enabling young people to cook a nutritious meal once a week for older Kingborough residents. Young people work with a qualified trainer during each school term, to prepare nutritious packages for residents who may, for a variety of reasons, not be getting out and about as much as they would like. The meals are delivered to registered participants. At the end of the 8-week series, the young cooks sit down to share a meal and a chat with the residents. Transport is provided for this gathering in Kingston.
A small fee (around $10) will be charged to the meal package recipients, and the money contributes to the cost of educational courses for the young people.
This program benefits all who are involved, the young people learn new skills to improve their chances of employment and older residents establish new connections.
If you are over 65 and would like to take part, or know someone who would, please contact our Community Development Officer on 6211 8170.
Community Connections is a Kingborough Council initiative supported by the Department of Premier & Cabinet’s Liveable Communities Grants Program.