
Disruptive Ageing in Kingborough

Older members of the Kingborough community are championing the Disruptive Ageing movement by challenging some of the stereotypes associated with ageing.

A group of Disrupters are muscling in on what has traditionally been seen as a youth activity, and are learning spray art techniques to create a mural on Beach Road in Kingston. “You can never be too young to be on the cutting edge,” said Annette Psereckis while she was creating stencils for the mural.  “We are having fun and new experiences, while taking the opportunity to leave our mark. This mural will tell a story for people to connect with as they walk to Kingston Beach.”

“It really is about having a shared experience on a community project, as well as sharing our Kingston story through art” said Colleen McIntyre.

The Disrupters brainstormed ideas for the Kingston story so that artist Rory Dicks was able to create images to be used as stencils. The spray painting stage of the mural will be happening in early January, which will bring life, colour and history to the steps between Roslyn Avenue and Beach Road.

Disruptive Ageing is a movement which encourages people to live their best at every age. It challenges ageing stereotypes, and begins with each person embracing ageing and feeling good about where they are in life.

To find out more about being a Disrupter, or any other programs for Positive Ageing in Kingborough, contact Council’s Community Development Officer on 6211 8170.