
Traffic Conditions to Change at Huon Hwy/Summerleas Rd intersection

State Growth has advised that the next stage of the works includes the completion of the ramp to the south of the existing intersection to allow bridge construction to continue. The intersection for access to Summerleas Road/Kingston will be moved onto the new ramp and will join the Huon Highway south of the bridge works. The Summerleas Road/Ferntree Junction will remain.
This new intersection will be implemented during the week commencing 20 November 2017 and will be in place until bridge construction is complete, which is expected to be in early 2018. The existing junction at the northern end of the bridge will be closed to traffic.
Speed restrictions and altered traffic conditions will continue throughout the construction period. To ensure the safety of road users and construction staff, please obey all traffic signs.

View the below Fact Sheet to see a diagram of the changes.

Fact Sheet: Huon Highway and Summerleas Road Intersection, November Update