Family Day Care, Kingston Beach, Tracks & Trails, Community Grants and Environmental Services
Family Day Care
The Council has agreed to negotiate the transfer of the operations of Council’s Family Day Care service to Blackmans Bay Childrens Services. Consultation with staff, educators and families has seen overwhelming support for the decision as it supports the sustainability of the service into the future. Staff and educators are excited by the opportunities the transfer will bring and families are delighted that their family care needs will not be affected. Blackmans Bay Childrens Services is a community owned, not-for-profit organisation, which operates throughout Kingborough. They currently offer centre-based long day care, outside school hours care and holiday care. The organisation is in an ideal position to take on the Kingborough Family Day Care Scheme and will allow them to offer a full range of children’s services.
25a Osborne Esplanade, Kingston Beach
Council was presented with a report to consider the future of the site at 25a Osborne Esplanade. Council resolved to defer the decision, following a Council workshop to discuss what the vision of the site should be and how to move forward into the future.
Kingborough Tracks and Trails
The Kingborough Tracks and Trails Strategic Action Plan 2017 – 2022 was updated following positive community feedback and has been endorsed by Council. You can view or download the Plan below.
Council approves Round 1 Community Grants
Over $22,000 is being provided to not-for-profit/community organisations in Kingborough.
Successful recipients of the Round 1 grants are:
- Youth Parliament Taskforce, supporting young people from Kingborough to be present at the Youth Parliament – $250
- Channel Mens Shed, to upgrade their computers and web presence – $3,000
- Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade, to upgrade their access/driveway – $1,200
- Multiple Sclerosis Ltd, to organise Kingborough Wellness workshops – $2,227
- Hall heating for Boronia District Girl Guides – $2,750
- Kingborough Gymnastics Association to purchase a 12 metre air track – $2,000
- Transistor Films, who will make a documentary called More than Carers – involving Manor Gardens carers – $3,000
- Westwinds Community Centre, heat pump for the gym – $1,230
- Dementia Friendly Tasmania, $875 for a trishaw trailer
- Derwent Avenue Group, to upgrade a walking track – $1,820
- Kugastsu Judo Club, new mats – $2,000
- Tasmanian Conservation Trust Inc, $3,000 for a little penguin tourism translation Service
Council also received a report into the recent activities by the Environmental Services team. Some of these activities include:
- Seeking advice from Birdlife Tasmania regarding the increase in seagulls on Blackmans Bay Beach, following interest and concern from residents.
- Supporting a collaborative project to monitor and control an increasing population of Rainbow Lorikeets, which is adversely affecting the survival of the critically endangered Swift Parrot by competing with food sources and habitats.
- Working with young people to stop the illegal construction of bike tracks and jumps it he Boronia Hill Reserve.
- Addressing illegal firewood harvesting by working with agencies including Forestry Tasmania, Forest Practices Authority, Parks and Wildlife, Crown Land Services, Tasmanian Farmers and Grazers Association and Tasmanian Conservation Trust. The program is facilitate by NRM South and an awareness campaign as started – full details can be found on the NRM South website (external link).
- Implementing the new Kingborough Weed Management Strategy with a number of projects and procedures.
- Progression of the Bruny Island Cat Management Project.
- Bushfire Management investigations and information on a policy to guide Council’s response to clearing public reserves for the creation of Hazard Management Areas.
- Working with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office and Local Government of Tasmania Association to evaluate climate change governance across Tasmania.
The minutes and audio recording from the meeting will be published on the Council Meetings webpage.