
Salvaged Art & Climate Change

Climate Change is the focus of Kingborough’s biennial Salvaged Art Exhibition, which has now opened to all artists, hobbyists, young people, community groups and schools.

Entrants are encouraged to develop work which raises awareness on threats such as sea level rise, temperature increase, and fire and storm risk or address adaptation, mitigation, resilience and recovery. All artworks entered in the competition and exhibition should be made from recycled, re-purposed and reused materials and will need to incorporate the climate change theme.

In 2015, 108 inspiring entries were submitted and displayed at Kingston Beach Hall. The Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Steve Wass, was impressed by the works and looks forward to seeing what creative and innovative entries will be included this year. “Climate change is important to Council and it is great to see the arts program supporting and raising awareness of the risks and threats we face today,” he said.

This year, the categories and prizes available include:

  • Open Award $700
  • Amateur Artist Award $300
  • 13 – 17 Years Award $150
  • 6 – 12 Years Award $50

There are also two categories for schools with a prize of $250 in each of the following:

  • Most creative work addressing the theme
  • Most creative climate change message

School entries are being asked to respond to theme of how Climate Change has been impacting on our oceans.

Entry forms are due by Friday, 18 August and completed artworks need to be delivered on Monday, 25 September. Entry form, times, dates and other details can be found on our Art of Adaptation page. Contact Council’s Arts and Cultural Development Officer on 6211 8135 for further information.